Our Expectations

God is all about transformation for his people. This process  begins once we bend our knee to God and continues throughout our lives. Let the following points guide and assist you in your transformation:

Be Filled With The Holy Spirit:
Transformation starts here. This is not about having all of God but God having all of you! The Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for spiritual transformation. The more you give yourself to Him the more you will be transformed.

Live Out Your Faith Daily:
Christ followers are called to walking out the truths of the Christian faith through all the ups and downs of each day.  Time in the Bible, in prayer, in fellowship and practicing the ways of Jesus. 

Be Committed To this Local Expression of the Church:
We are a together for a reason! God calls together people from his Church to a particular expression for a purpose. We care for one another, know one another, support one another and encourage one another as we gather inside our building and beyond. 

Belong To A Transformation Group:
Developing relationships with other believers is important. Advantages of being connected to others are:
     encouragement & support
     mutual care
     supporting our church through prayer & tithes
     encouraging & supporting the leadership

Serving others strengthens our faith like few things can. Reach out to the office if you are looking for ways to serve within our local congregation and beyond!    

In our church:
Get involved in a ministry:  Welcome team, community Kitchen, nursery, missions, worship, teaching, etc.

In our community:
Maintenance and/or transportation for neighbors, membership in civic organizations, community service projects, etc.